The best fashion apps…

Students are always on their phones. On the bus, on the street, in a lecture (cheeky!). There’s just no escaping this virtual reality we seem to live in. So, I did another little mathematical equation and came up with this: Technology + Fashion + Student = THE BEST FASHION APPS FOR STUDENTS!

One of the most depressing times in a student’s life is walking up and down the high street with only 32p in your pocket, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of EVERYONE splurging and carrying shopping bags. We have probably all experienced the mini- public- breakdown you have when you realise you’re never going to afford the dress in Miss Selfridge or the one in Primark for that matter, so you may aswell give up now, and yes,I am talking from personal experience. We still want to shop, it’s a privilege that can’t be ripped from us but, why not do it in the comfort of our own homes (or on the bus) and actually find items we can afford and gain inspiration for cheap and chic style?

With all that being said, lets get into the best, FREE fashion apps… ever!

Image 1. ShopStyle. 

As previously mentioned, sometimes the high street just isn’t a place for students. We don’t want to be constantly surrounded by the reminder that we’re poor and because of this look like trash. ShopStyle is a effective shopping tool that turns the chore of window shopping into quite an enjoyable quest. With over 2,000 brands, high street and designer, you have the shopping centre at your fingertips and for those of us who really are watching the pennies there is a sale request! I think we can all agree that sale shopping is the most stressful, hair pulling, nail biting situation you could ever, potentially, find yourself in. While some of like the “Go Hard or Go Home” vibe of the sales, many would prefer to have it done for them… and this is exactly what this app does, whenever and wherever the sale, we will find out instantly!

 fashion-focused-iphone-apps-we-love-chic-feed 2. Chic Feed

Sometimes, it’s not all about shopping. It’s great to actually see what people are wearing, wherever they may be. This app is a bit of fun that allows you to pull inspiration from street style worldwide. It has the best outfits from fashion blogs, magazines and the streets all in one place! Heaven!

  trendabl23. Trendabl

Another fun fashion app for those instagram crazy people! Nowadays, whatever you do is instagrammed, just to show the world and all your friends (and maybe your ex!) just how much of a fabulous time you are having! Well now, Trendabl is kind of like that but for avid fashion fans only. You can simply upload and tag a picture of your favourite items and outfits and show other fashionistas who’s boss. It’s a lovely environment for those who enjoy individual tastes and quirks.

gotryiton   4. Go Try It On

This app does exactly what it says on the tin. Shopping alone? Not anymore. Sometimes, a second opinion is always valued, and i don’t mean the one from a friend who is too scared to tell you what you really look like. Go Try It On means you can upload of a photo of something you’re not sure about and expect floods of replies that will you help you make a quick and easy decision. There’s no point spending cash on something that doesn’t fit the bill (or you!).

news_mp_trendTracker-l5. Trendstop/ Trendtracker

There are plenty of apps that give you up-to-date fashion coverage, all the news in the fashion world and trend ideas. (iphone) and FashionNewsService (Blackberry) update you on everything you need to know and see from the fashion world and it’s not just during fashion week… it’s all year round!

Screen shot 2011-03-27 at 13.41.236.

OK, this may not be an app but it’s still on the worldwide web. I wanted to share this site with you because sometimes purchasing new things just isn’t an option for all of us. is bursting with goods from designers and the high street that are ready to SWAP! Users can swap their existing items of clothing or accessories for something completely new with no extortionate prices. Whilst the standard account allows you to swap items, as it should, there is a premium account for £1.50 per month which gives you the options of being able to sell online, publish ‘most wanted’ adverts and customise you’re own virtual wardrobe space. Overall, a great little online community that gives us fashion junkies on a low budget a shopping buzz.

If you check out any of the apps above, then make sure you leave a comment and enter the poll of which one is your favourite! Do you have any other fashion app suggestions?

5 thoughts on “The best fashion apps…

  1. That’s what I’m worried about! Someone saying ew that looks awful. Definitely will give that one a try though, I think most people are too scared to be completely honest.

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